Warehouses / Storage Units
NREC Jordan offers different sizes of warehousing units for storing purposes. The warehouses is optimal for companies to easily import and export according to the storage procedures applied in the zone
Standard Factory Buildings (SFBs)
High Quality buildings are also available for light & medium industrial activities.
Developed & Serviced Plots of Lands
Companies benefit from open lands for storage needs. The lands are free to use for the purpose of storing under local regulations, enabling companies to construct storage & Factory Buildings as per their requirements or use the lands for open storage.
Administration & Services Building
NREC Jordan Provides Office spaces within the Administration & Services Building to serve investors needs with total area 3,030 square meter.
Warehouses / Storage Units
Since the world we live in today is a small village, many businesses built their operations upon the modal of importing, exporting, and transiting goods, products, and materials from one location to another. However, this type of businesses comes with its own logistic challenges, one of which is storage. This kind of business operation is common in countries like Jordan, as it is the linking point of several countries and a developing market as well.
Every business is a unique case when it comes to requirements and needs. Hence, there is no such thing as one-solution-fits-all regarding storage solutions, AKA warehouses. Even more, definitely, not all of them are created equal.
Understanding this dilemma, At NREC, we strive to provide you with a unique storage solution at an affordable price that maximizes your profitability and facilitates your business operations. We set our sights upon being the providers of the best storage solutions in Jordan, particularly in Aqaba city.
Covering all your storage needs, NREC offers you a range of storage units at an affordable price to accomplish your import and export activities goals. Located in South Aqaba Investment Park, NREC offers you the best storage solutions in Jordan with a range of 11 different-sized units that you can pick from according to your business needs.
Let us help you facilitate your business operations and maximize your profitability now!
Area: The combined total area of our storage units is about 60,000 square meters, divided into 11 storage units of different sizes. The standard dimensions of the storage units are (150 * 36-38 * 7.8 m) for the length, width, and height respectively. Providing you with the storage solution that fits your needs.
Lease period: renewable contract, starting from one year.
Cleanliness: Upon the investor’s request, various cleaning services for the facilities are available.
Facilities: As per their needs, investors have a conditional right to establish the necessary on-site facilities that fit their needs. This right is granted to the investor with written approval from NREC and the concerned authorities in terms of the engineering plans, technical specifications, and the architecture of such establishments.
Parking spaces: Parking spaces are 1 parking space per 100 square meters.
Standard Factory Buildings (SFBs)
There are many things to consider about running a manufacturing business, yet it starts with the factory building. Saving you time and effort, NREC offers you a range of standard factory buildings that best suits your light, mid-sized business. Each building features entrances and exits suitable for production lines. Need a custom factory building for your business needs? NERC offers a range of serviced land plots that you can lease to build your factory building solution.
Area: the total area of these (SFB’s) is about (20,000 square meters), it consists of 4 units, Each (SFB) Unit area is about (5,000 square meters) which can be divided in to smaller areas (1000 square meters minimum).
Lease period: one year or more, renewable.
Cleanliness: Various cleaning services and facilities available to the investor upon request.
Facilities: The investor has the right to establish the necessary facilities on the site according to the requirements of use and in accordance with the specific needs of each investor, after obtaining written approval from the company and the concerned authorities on the engineering plans and technical specifications and architectural of these establishments.
Parking: Parking spaces with a wide space equivalent to one parking space per 100 square meters.
Developed & Serviced Plots of Lands
Every business is unique in terms of needs and requirements. That is why we offer you serviced plots of land that you can lease to build your factory or use as an open storage space. With these land plots, you will get all the flexibility you need to maximize your business potential and profit.
Area: these plots of land dedicated within huge area about (690,000 square meters) for the first stage, the minimum plot area is (5000 square meters).
Lease period: one year or more, renewable for the light and medium industries and storage projects.
- Developed plots of land for Cold Storage Warehouses.
- Developed plots of land for Commercial Trading activity.
Cleanliness: Various cleaning services and facilities available to the investor upon request.
Facilities: The investor has the right to establish the necessary facilities on the site according to the requirements of use and in accordance with the specific needs of each investor, after obtaining written approval from the company and the concerned authorities on the engineering plans and technical specifications and architectural of these establishments.
Parking: Parking spaces with a wide space equivalent to one parking space per 100 square meters.
Administration & Services Building
Quick actions and decisions play a huge role in the business success story, and nothing helps more than being in the middle of the action. NREC offers you a wide range of office spaces for leasing; that you can count on to facilitate the management processes of your business. These offices are different in size, offering you a range of options that you get to pick from as per your needs and requirements
Cleanliness: Various cleaning services and facilities available to the investor upon request.
Facilities: The investor has the right to establish the necessary facilities on the site according to the requirements of use and in accordance with the specific needs of each investor, after obtaining written approval from the company and the concerned authorities on the engineering plans and technical specifications and architectural of these establishments.
Parking: Parking spaces with a wide space equivalent to one parking space per 100 square meters.
Contact Us
Tel:+962 3 206 0671
Fax: +962 3 206 0672
Postal Address: 77110 Aqaba